This past Tuesday started out a little early. As I had to cover over 500 miles to be at the Detroit Institute of Art in Detroit before two o’clock. This wasn’t just any trip. A few days earlier I received an invite to ”Get Candid Detroit” from Denis Reggie (the father of photojournalists style wedding coverage) to attend a workshop with five of the best wedding photographers in the world. These guys don’t get together that often in one room and to be one of the few lucky one’s in the country to witness this gathering… I’m without words.
Joe Buissink with Denis Reggis, Jim Garner, Ken Sklute and Bambi Cantrell organized and hosted this full-day intensive workshop for the city of Detroit. Detroit city was selected for this Get Candid event as it is one of the hardest hit city’s in the country during today’s current economical down turn. Each guest speaker spoke candid about their photography business, insighton today’s current markets and how they have each set themselves up to strive in the current market downturn. These guys held nothing back and I walked away with more new approach to my current business plan than I would have ever dreamed.